Denver Cold Brew Office Coffee Service
Frequently Asked Questions for Cold Brew
We get calls daily from all over all over the country asking about our cold brew services. The questions boil down to a handful of common questions that we want to answer for our customers. These same questions can be helpful when folks outside of our service area are speaking with potential vendors. Below we’ve included the answers to the most commonly asked questions as well as a downloadable guide for office managers, community managers and others tasked with keeping staff happy and caffeinated.
Download our vendor comp sheet:
Searching for a vendor outside of our delivery range? Download our Vendor Comparison Chart to fill out and compare vendors as you call around. It’s a lot to keep track of we’ll help you keep it organized.
Ask before you select a vendor.
What is nitro cold brew? Nitro cold brew is coffee that has been brewed at room temperature, served on nitrogen so it has a thick creamy head like a Guiness. It’s great, I highly recommend it. You can get flat cold brew but most coffee served on tap will be nitro.
How much does it cost monthly? This is a hard question to answer because there are so many variables that contribute to the cost. Primarily, it depends on how quickly you go through the coffee and how many people are drinking it. It also depends on if you are renting a kegerator as well. Often we will provide 1-2 sample invoices showing the costs with different variables i.e. kegerator rental, # of kegs per month different products. Best question is to ask, how much are the kegs and what is included?
What is included? In order to enjoy nitro cold brew you will need a kegerator, coffee in a keg and nitrogen gas and depending on the company they may be able to supply some or all of this.
In addition to cold brew coffee, First Tracks can provide a kegerator for free with a minimum order of 3 kegs of coffee per month (otherwise its $35.00/month) we also can provide nitrogen gas for about $30.00 for every 4 kegs.
Is there a delivery fee? Some vendors will charge for delivery given the cost of gas as well as labor. Also, there has been a huge increase in the number of delivery platforms serving and if your vendor uses one of these, it could tack on an extra $10 or more per order.
First Tracks doesn’t charge a delivery fee, all our travel costs are rolled into the cost of keg itself, however for redundant trips where gas was out or we have to come back out outside of a scheduled trip, we may charge a service fee.
Are there keg deposits? Kegs are not cheap and unfortunately they do tend to get lost in the shuffle. Some people require keg deposits of anywhere between $30-$100 which are paid once and then rolled over onto the next keg when its swapped out for a full one.
At this time, First Tracks doesn’t require keg deposits but as we grow, we may to reduce product lost.
What products do you offer? Your vendor may offer more than just cold brew coffee, they may also offer, kombucha, tea, seltzer and more. Combining products could reduce delivery fees, equipment rental fees and consolidate billing which is nice.
Currently First Tracks offers 2 roasts of cold brew, a dark and medium roast, as well as some occasional seasonals. We also offer cold brew tea served on nitro. Can get kombucha from our friends at Mor Kombucha and we will soon be selling First Tracks Seltzer.
What type of equipment do you use? Just because you have a kegerator doesn’t mean it’ll fit the kegs you get from your vendor. Ask if they use sanke or corny kegs and if there is a charge for converting it over. Also, to get the most out of your cold brew coffee you’ll want it served on nitro and with a stout faucet. For more information, check out our post on buying a kegerator for the office.
First Tracks uses corny kegs for coffee, tea and seltzer. Our kombucha partners Mor use sanke kegs. We can convert over from sanke to corny for only about $10 in parts.
Do you have set delivery days? What is the turnaround time on orders? You’ll need to know how quickly you can get cold brew delivery and when it’ll come in. If your vendor doesn’t have a lot of backstock, they’ll need to have it made.
First Tracks delivers on Wednesdays and Fridays. We typically take orders on Monday so we’re ready for the week. In the event there there
Who is responsible for equipment maintenance? Kegerators are pretty simple. They’re just refrigerators with faucets stuck on top, but stuff does happen. Vendors can typically maintain the equipment but the cost will depend on who owns it. If it’s a rental, it should fall on the vendor. If you own it, ask if they’ll clean the lines periodically and what that costs.
First Tracks will maintain our own equipment at no cost. For customers using their own kegerators we offer a quarterly maintenance package for $50 that will clean the lines, flush out the air hoses, check and replace o-rings as needed.
Can I get some samples? Most vendors are happy to get you samples or provide you with a tasting to showcase their products. Give us a call at 720-563-7875 or email us at [email protected] and let us share our cold brew coffee with you. We work hard to make sure our service and products are the best in Denver.